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‘Joints For Jabs’ Gives Out Free Marijuana to Encourage COVID-19 Vaccinations

D.C. Marijuana Justice – a Washington D.C. activist group – has big plans to encourage vaccination efforts, while putting an emphasis on marijuana law reform. 

‘Joints for Jabs’ & COVID-19

The idea is simple: encourage more people to receive the vaccine by handing out free bags of cannabis outside of coronavirus vaccination centers across the nation’s capital. The plan will be set in action once the general public is eligible for vaccination, and according to D.C. Marijuana Justice (DCMJ) – the activist group behind the push – dozens of home growers are already on board to contribute to the cause. 

DCMJ Co-Founder Adam Eidinger outlined the rationale behind the campaign in a recent email to Motherboard, writing, “I want people to get the shots and to know they are appreciated for doing so. We also see the vaccination center as a place for education and outreach as well as to mobilize people to let lawmakers know they want to protect and even expand home grow rights in the District and to allow adults to buy and sell cannabis.”

The two-pronged activism approach will be further fleshed out by a “call your council member cheat sheet” that will accompany the free baggies of marijuana, encouraging further public engagement with the ever-changing world of cannabis law. 

While the news of “Joints for Jabs” has been met by widely-positive reactions across news outlets and social media, some are critical over potential safety issues. To quell concerns, DCMJ will be working with local officials to ensure that the weed distribution process is legal and COVID-safe. As for the weed itself, the home growers involved will make certain that the bud is top notch – free of both pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. 

COVID-19 has been a continuous source of pain, anxiety, and stress across the past year, but DCMJ feels that “Joints for Jabs” can mark a joyous left turn for the country. Co-Founder Nikolas Schiller commented, “We are looking for ways to safely celebrate the end of the pandemic and we know nothing brings people together like cannabis. DCMJ believes that cannabis should be consumed safely and responsibly, and the pandemic has made this incredibly difficult for many adults to share their homegrown cannabis.”

“Joints for Jabs” may seem like a difficult undertaking, but D.C. Marijuana Justice has a proven history of spearheading reform and bringing awareness to cannabis law. 

D.C. Marijuana Justice & Activism

Back in 2014, D.C. Marijuana Justice was the very group that transitioned to the DC Cannabis Campaign in order to pass Ballot Initiative 71 – the measure that legalized the recreational use of cannabis in Washington D.C. However, that didn’t stop DCMJ’s efforts. Once the campaign was victorious, they set their sights on fighting for equity through cannabis in both D.C. and on the federal level.

At President Trump’s inauguration in 2017, DCMJ brought attention to the need for legalization by passing out more than 10,000 joints to attendees. While President-elect Biden’s inauguration will be largely virtual in attendance, DCMJ plans to hand out joints at inauguration celebrations this summer, if events in D.C. take place. 

While full federal legalization hasn’t been realized yet, DCMJ Co-Founder Adam Eidinger is hopeful, saying, “While no legislation is perfect, the MORE Act addresses many demands that DC Marijuana Justice has been making for years . . .  We asked Presidents Obama and Trump, and now we are asking President-elect Biden to take executive action on cannabis reform within the first 100 days.”

Locations and dates for “Joints for Jabs” will be announced when information regarding D.C. vaccination clinics is released by local government officials. 

Additional Resources:

At The Weed Blog, we strive to produce the latest online news resources regarding marijuana. We also review various strains of cannabis or other edible counterparts. We are committed to helping you find valuable information about marijuana on our website. With marijuana laws constantly changing, learn from us what you can do to promote activism in your area. Otherwise, consider these other top-tier articles regarding cannabis:

1 in 3 Americans Now Live in a State Where Recreational Marijuana is Legal

Maine Medical Marijuana Sales Hit $222 Million, Become State’s Most Valuable Crop

States Ranked by Recreational Marijuana Tax Revenue

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